Connections to port 80
This command will show all connections (including IP address) to port 80. You are able to change this port if your web server does not run on this by changing the |grep :80| section in the command below
Show static view of connections to port 80:
netstat -punt | grep ':80.*ESTAB' | awk '{ print $5}' | cut -d':' -f4 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | while read i; do echo -n "$i "; curl -s$(echo "$i" | awk '{ print $2 }') | cut -d',' -f2; sleep 1; doneExample output:
6 x.x.x.x "United States" 5 x.x.x.x Ireland 2 x.x.x.x "United Kingdom" 2 x.x.x.x "South Africa" 2 x.x.x.x China 1 x.x.x.x "United Kingdom" 1 x.x.x.x "Czech Republic"
Second Best command:
netstat -nap | awk '$4~/:80$/{print$5}' | awk -F: '{print$(NF-1)}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -20
netstat -plan|grep :80|awk {'print $5'}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1
netstat -ant | egrep ":80|:443" | egrep "ESTABLISHED|SYN_RECV" | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed -e 's/\:\:ffff\://g' | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr |awk '{print $1 " "$2}'
Show a live view of current connections
while x=0; do clear;date;echo "";echo " [Count] | [IP ADDR]";echo "-------------------";netstat -np|grep :80|grep -v LISTEN|awk '{print $5}'|cut -d: -f1|uniq -c; sleep 5;done
Troubleshooting IP Connections
Once you have this output you may want to toubleshoot the location. Is this a ddos? an dos?
whois x.x.x.x | grep 'country\|address'
whois x.x.x.x | egrep 'role:|address:|abuse-mailbox:'
connetctions_to_port.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/23 07:26 by