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---Work in progress---
#!/bin/bash neat="################################" methodhttpd1=$( cat /etc/*release | grep -ic centos ) methodhttpd2=$( cat /etc/*release | grep -ic red ) #method rhl methodapache1=$( cat /etc/*release | grep -ic ubuntu ) methodapache2=$( cat /etc/*release | grep -ic debian ) #method debian ################################## #########CENTOS/RHL############### apacherunning=$(service httpd status | grep -ic running) apacheportcentos=$(netstat -plnt | grep http | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/://g') currentconcentos=$(ps afx | grep -ic /usr/sbin/httpd) #FIX below when access to a server with max clients configured maxclientscento=$(grep MaxClients /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) #add awk for specific value #maxclientscentos=$(grep "IfModule prefork.c" -A 6 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | grep MaxClients | awk '{print $2}') #####Error Log data##### # SORT OUT REGEX FOR ERROR LOGS error.log / error_log errorlogformat=$(grep ^ErrorLog /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/.*[/]//') errorlogcentos=$( grep -ic maxc /var/log/httpd/$errorlogformat ) zerrorlogcentos=$( zgrep -i maxc /var/log/httpd/error_log* ) #####APACHE BUDDY DATA##### apachebuddy=$(curl http://cloudfiles.fanatassist.com/apachebuddy.pl --silent | perl | grep -ohe 'Percentage of RAM allocated to Apache.*' | awk '{print $7}') apachebuddyram=$(curl http://cloudfiles.fanatassist.com/apachebuddy.pl --silent | perl | grep -ohe 'Max potential memory usage:.*' | awk '{print $5}') ################################## ########Ubuntu/Debian############# ################################## echo $neat echo "" ################################## method1() { case $apacherunning in #------------------------ # apache not running! 0 ) echo "Not running" echo "Please troubleshoot further" echo "" echo $neat # error logs? #------------------------ #if apache is running then: ;; 1 ) echo "Apache: is running!" echo "Port: "$apacheportcentos echo "Current Connections "$currentconcentos echo "Configured Max Connections: "$maxclientscentos #if there is a value configured in apache config file for MaxClients then calculate difference between current connections and configured connections if [ "$maxclientscentos" != "" ] && [ "$maxclientscentos" -ge 1 ];then maxcdiff=$(awk '{$maxclientscentos - $currentconcentos}') echo "Difference = "$maxcdiff if [ "$maxcdiff" -ge 1 ]; then echo "MaxClients: Not been reached" elif [ "$maxcdiff" = [1-9] ]; then echo "MaxClients: CLOSE TO LIMIT" else echo "MaxClients: LIMIT REACHED!" fi # if no value has been added then else echo "" echo "MaxClients: No Configured Value In Apache Config File!!" echo "Checking with apache buddy..." fi #add awk for maxcdiff=$(awk '{$maxclientscentos - $currentconcentos}') if [ "$errorlogcentos" -ge 1 ]; then # maxclients may have been hit a previous day, try to incoporate date in the search echo "Error logs:" echo $errologscentos else #elif ####APACHE BUDDY SECTION#### echo "" echo "Error Logs: Nothing to report!" echo "Current RAM allocation to apache: "$apachebuddy"%" echo "Apache Max RAM Usage: "$apachebuddyram"MB" case $apachebuddy in [0-75] ) echo "apache has been allocated too much ram, this could be causing an issue" ;; *) echo "Apache Configuration: OK!" ;; esac ############################# echo "" echo $neat #else fi echo $neat ;; esac } ################################################# #Ubuntu method2() { echo "test" } ################################## if [ $methodhttpd1 -ge 1 ] || [ $methodhttpd2 -ge 1 ]; then method1 ################################## elif [ $methodapache1 -ge 1 ] || [ $methodapache2 -ge 1 ]; then method2 ################################### else echo "Error! Server does not appear to be Ubuntu or Centos" fi ################################### #case $variable in # #apache ) #echo "Apache results: " #echo "Maxclients = " #echo "Recommended clients= " #echo "Currently set clients= " #echo "List of connected IPs= " #;; ##################################
apache_maxc.1431268470.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 07:26 (external edit)