=== Flushing Redis Cache ===
To flush redis cache without restarting the service, follow this guide
First find out what port + IP address redis is running on:
netstat -plnt | grep redis
Output will look similar to:
tcp 0 0 10.x.x.26:6379* LISTEN 5972/redis-server 1
You will first need to get the password from the local.xml file in the document root.
The format is normally path/to/document/root/app/etc/local.xml
grep -i password path/to/document/root/app/etc/local.xml
Ouput will look like:
Password you normally need is the second one. If you less the file instead you can check for the CDATA[memcache] section.
Now we need to telnet using the information from the netstat grep
telnet 10.x.x.26 6379
Run the command INFO to see if you are authenticated:
-NOAUTH Authentication required.
Now authenticate with the password:
AUTH reallylongpassword
Confirmation you have authenticated:
Now we need to flush the cache: