^ Flag ^ Description | | -I, --head | Fetch the HTTP-header only | | -v, --verbose | Fetching is more talkative. Used for debugging | | -s, --silent | Silent or Quiet (Mute). Don't show progress meter or error messages| | -i, --include | Header plus content | | -X , --request | Specify a customer request when communicating with HTTP web server | | -L, | Follow the redirect | \\ __**Troubleshooting a website**__. You can replace http://website.com with http://localhost if you wish to test the domain on the local machine curl -LIX GET -H 'Host: example.com' \\ \\ The following command is used to test a https domain. -k will skip the certificate check curl -LIkX GET https://website.com \\ \\ **__Testing a vhost on the localhost__** curl -LIvX GET localhost -H 'Host: vhost.com' \\ \\ **__Body String Match__** \\ curl -sLX GET www.lukeslinux.co.uk | grep -i lukeslinux curl -isX GET lukeslinux.co.uk | grep Maintenance Output: Days Out With Kids | Maintenance

Sorry, Site Under Maintenance

Example without the s flag curl -LiX GET https://tickets.daysoutwithkids.co.uk/longleat | grep Maintenance Output: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 9885 100 9885 0 0 280k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9653k Days Out With Kids | Maintenance

Sorry, Site Under Maintenance

\\ Curling localhost and ignoring ssl If the website has an ssl certificate you can also apply the 'k' option to bypass the certificate check. e.g: curl -ikL localhost -H 'https://website.com' | grep body_match_string \\ \\ **__Time__** time for i in {1..10}; do curl -IsX GET http://example.co.uk | grep 'HTTP/1.1'; done **__Using Lynx__** \\ Note: This is not as accurate as curl Testing to see if a website returns a certain string. Body match strings are often used in monitoring alerts lynx -dump http://lukeslinuxlessons.co.uk | grep 'string match' \\ \\ === Time to First Byte === Make sure you replace x.x.x.x with the server IP and Host: Example.com with the website curl -sko /dev/null -w "\ncontent_type=%{content_type}\nhttp_code=%{http_code}\nsize_download=%{size_download}\nsize_header=%{size_header}\nsize_request=%{size_request}\nspeed_download=%{speed_download}\ntime_connect=%{time_connect}\ntime_namelookup=%{time_namelookup}\ntime_pretransfer=%{time_pretransfer}\ntime_redirect=%{time_redirect}\ntime_starttransfer=%{time_starttransfer}\ntime_total=%{time_total}\nurl_effective=%{url_effective}\n\n" -H "Host: example.com" http://x.x.x.x \\ \\ \\ __**HTTP AUTHENTICATION**__ curl --user luke:password http://lukeslinux.co.uk/secret